domingo, 5 de septiembre de 2010

What is character?

Character is a very simple thing to understand
The Character Education Partnership, a nonprofit, nonpartisan, and nonsectarian organization that supports and promotes social, emotional, and ethical development in youth defines character education as "the deliberate effort by schools, families, and communities to help young people understand, care about, and act upon core ethical values."The Council of Chief State School Officers states that "character education holds that certain core values form the basis of 'good character,' i.e., the kinds of attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors that the school wants from, and is therefore committed to teach to, its children.
Character Education has 6 very important pillars 
Trustworthiness whic is the blue
Respect which is the yellow
Responsibility which is the green
Fairness which is the orange
Caring which is the red
citizenship which is the purple
Following these pillars will take you to be a good
Person in the future so:
Use them in the school
in your daily life.Everywhere!
Dont waste them!

Fabricio Ochoa Garcia

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